16 July 2012

A fine romance....

They startled me....

flew in without a word of warning.....

took up residence and became comfortable in silence....



arrived nearly an hour before she....


spent that hour 

preening, grooming and well, showing off....

It was obvious....as he kept turning around to see if she was watching....

Very non-chalant....cool as a cucumber.....

he flexed his muscles......oh my!

to no avail....

This chick was even cooler than he....
something must be done,
surely she could be enticed somehow....
now, let's see....what could she want?
Ooooo! I know, maybe the promise of a "treat"....
yeah! that's just the thing!

The promise of a dinner date must have been just the 

So, while she demurely waited,
he became the mighty hunter.....

from the top of the storage building...

chipmunks galore!

And just like they arrived....

they were gone....

Birds of a feather....don't you know......

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