17 July 2009

Planning a trip...

We are....
leaving for Cape Cod, family reunion on Thursday....
2 days up.....
2 back...
I haven't seen the ocean all summer...
very stressful, to say the least....
If I could live anywhere, it would be within sight of the waves a-crashin'...
The reunion will be fun...
the return trip is to be one of adventure...
I haven't been to the Delmarva peninsula in 20 years.
Not sure where we will stay.
only that we will be near the ocean,
maybe even in it.....
Can't Wait!

15 July 2009

So fortunate....

Well, thank goodness for family....
I know that not everyone feels the same...
I know how lucky I really am..
The Stud in my life is blessed the 2 really wonderful sons.
I am blessed with my own, but he doesn't allow photographs....
These 2 are now taller than dad...
He can still out-arm wrestle them though...
He can probably out run them too...
He can also out "BS" them...
which is a very good thing.
I am realizing that this stage of my life is filled with
changes, some very good and some not so much..
Hot Flashes=Bad
Older Children=Good
My parents are still independent,
quick witted, spiritually strong,
and my heroes....
Yep, I would say that today is a day to appreciate

13 July 2009

New Hair.....

Yep, new hair.....
Brown, shorter, cooler.....
New outlook to go with....
Not willing to become stuck.
Not willing to blame....
or accept blame...
Growth never seems to let up on it's insistent
rapping....rapping on the door....
The universe appears to see me as much more
"centered" than I can intellectually accept....
I have been blessed with.....
good friends.....
a safe place to live....
Thank you....

12 July 2009


Well, I am at a loss....
trust broken...
numb with pain....
confusion, too familiar....
My expectations must be too high....
I've been told that my standards are too....
what do I do with that?
Where is the lesson in this?
How do I process?
Is there a reason to set lower standards?
Is there proof that lower expectations will bring peace?
Today I am just confused....
I think I will go open a box of L'oreal #6 and
bring the roots back to something I recognise.....