24 December 2010

Holiday observations...

Do things seem slightly strange around your house?
Sounds that creep in from outside....Getting to you?
Maybe there are strange smells emanating from your kitchen.....
or even your fireplace...
What's it all about Alfie?

It is the Holidays....
it started way back in the early fall....
no more waiting until after Thanksgiving to think about 

And so it is...
hurried shopping-check
snarled traffic-check
crazed parents-check
excited squealing children-check
satisfied smiling grandparents-check

Here are some things I have noticed;
neighbors, who normally don't speak - talking and laughing
children, who would normally leave the table in a flash - doing the dishes
smiles from people who wear a frown 11 1/2  months of the year
strange sitings in the neighborhood...

One of those strange sightings was a 
partially "dressed" Christmas tree, lying on the curb,
Apparently thrown out in haste.

Now, that's odd....it appeared nearly a week ago....
it is a fresh green tree, with a string or two of
colored lights. 
And yet, there it is,
waiting for the dump truck.
Well, for a person with an enquiring mind....
this is food for fodder.....
what brought on this fit of 
Tree tossing?
Where is the culprit?
Was he/she mad at the difficulty with which lights are strung?
Was there a fight?
Someone wanted white lights, and the stringer wanted colored?
Who won?
What are they doing about Christmas now?
Why weren't we all informed, so that we didn't have to guess?
As you can see.... the person with the enquiring mind is in a dilemma

I was sitting with my sweetie at the coffee shop when a neighbor
stopped by for a chat.
Seems the person who owned the tree in question, had 
brought it home, set it up in a stand,watered it, let the limbs relax,
and then,
started to string the lights....when all of a sudden
they noticed 
everywhere....coming out of the tree!
apparently, some spider momma had laid her eggs
earlier in the year, and went off to die,
leaving her eggs to incubate for the winter,
hoping to hatch in the spring.
But NO@!
Mr. Tree Farmer came along in the fall and 
chopped that tree down,
wrapped it up,
and took it to town 
for sale.....

Ever hear of such a thing?
not me....smiles...

20 December 2010

Very popular in the 70's....

Remember Kahil Gibran?

He wrote The Prophet
which was particularly popular in the late 1970's.

He was a Lebanese-American 
who had a rather interesting life.

This is one of my favorite quotes...

Wake at dawn with a winged heart 
and give thanks for another day of loving
.- Kahlil Gibran

Doesn't that just paint the finest of all possible 
scenarios for you?

Is that the way you would always like to awaken?

me too...

Fortunately,... I did this morning.
Re-freshed and well rested
(don't hate me)
because my annual Christmas party is 
behind me now....

We had lots of fun..
we always do,
but as with most things
holiday, it required preparation 
weeks in advance.

We are blessed though...
friends that truly appreciate us,
and the effort we put into 
our holiday events.

I hope that your 
holidays are worth every bit of effort 
that you put into them.

and more.....