27 February 2009

The light is flat today.....

Today is a day for playing "small ball",
for appreciating the things that we do everyday,
or just everyday actions that make our lives
opening a new bottle of lotion,
seeing the buds on the maple tree swelling to red,
watching the birds on the feeder,
or the blue birds fighting for territory,
finding just the right "Phillips" head screw for the repair,
listenig to the click, click, click of the big hallway clock,
or the giggle of little girls down the sidewalk,
signing the tax forms and mailing them,
getting a phone call from one of the kids,
talking to my mother on the phone,
clean clothes,
lemon scented Pledge,
lavendar scented dish soap,
no deadlines,
physically pain free,
mental optimism,
and most of all,

25 February 2009

Morning Break....

How lucky am I?

I spent the morning with three of the most wonderful ladies in the world.

Normally, my days are spent surrounded by men...

Not that I mind, but it is so very wonderful to have time with my girls..

These are the sweetest.

Someday I want an entire morning to simply observe them.

Shoot tons of images,

and revel in the feminine viewpoint.





Love that!

23 February 2009

Afternoon Sunshine....

I love the afternoon sun!
Specifically I love the "winter" afternoon sun,
the way it slides subtly into my kitchen and rests on the platter that holds all the coffee additives....
By the time this happens, I am usually pooped, tired, distressed, or cranky.
The sunshine reminds me that I have choices today.
I can continue to race around getting things done, or I can leave it until tomorrow,
and enjoy a good ol' cup o' joe....
Well, you can probably guess that the coffee wins out most of the time.
Life is just too short to push yourself.....
No one notices if you do anyway....
So....I have given myself permission to do as the civilized Englishmen (and ladies) do,
I take an afternoon break, right about 4pm.
I am then my more likely to last the evening without meltdown.
If you haven't tried this, do it!!
Especially young mothers, just put them into their beds,
and let them cry for awhile.
They will get tired, and fall asleep, promise.