Kathy G. at
The Second Half of My Lifehonored me today with the Lemonade Award,
as one of her " favourite blogs".
I am surprised and thrilled to be included on her list.
Now, the fun part, I am to nominate other blogs as my
favorites. This is difficult, as I get so wrapped up in what I read
that, sometimes, I just forget to "save my place" so to speak.
I will try this, and hope that I don't forget any of my fav's.
I am such dweeb with IT, we'll see...
The Second Half of My Life-Kathy G.- we are quite close in age, and of course, share brain cells when it comes to creating a blog title, and there are many other commonalities, I am sure. Would love to meet one day....
I must agree with Kathy G.......
Available Light--Kathy P is one of my very fav's. Interesting, intelligent and never boring.
A Tidings of Magpies- "
distracted by shiny objects"- For the life of me, I don't see a name, but this is one of the most entertaining blogs I have stumbled across, please forgive my lack of searching abilities.
maine momma- Kristin has quite the "eye", she is also a Shutter Sister, and has a wonderful ability to make mundane things look FAB!
The Kitchen Pantry- Sara has combined FOOD, Italy, photography, and humor, what more could a woman ask for ????Love her!
And finally, I have to admit some favoritism,
circus stories.- Amanda is a incredibly talented, generous soul. I photographed her wedding years ago and had no idea that she would become one of my all time favorite people on earth.
enough said?
So there tis....my best efforts, and I hope they know that I truly enjoy all the time I spend with them, so to speak.....
Ciao Bella!