Dozens, even....
hovering like intoxicated aliens...
clinging to each other in a drunken jitterbug...
Guess this is spring....
Pollen covers almost every surface....
chainsaws are carving out the dead wood in the distance.
Dogs moan and howl each time a firetruck passes
with sirens squealing...
Mockingbirds mimicking car alarms....
children giggle and race each other home from the bus stop...
cherry blossoms dance across the parking lot...
Silently, high above a red tailed hawk ride the air currents,
perhaps to pluck off the pesky squirrels that steal from my bird feeder.
more dogs...
leaf blowers....
It's almost dinner time.
that is a great walk...sorry i didn't read your poem but i think i just got a head ache so I'll come back and read it in the morn :)